Display Homes
Frequently Asked Questions
What are DreamStart Display Homes all about?
DreamStart Homes are well known for having Perth’s most affordable display homes, with their exceptional value and high quality making them the number one choice for the people of Perth.
Visiting a DreamStart display home is the perfect first step towards building your own stunning home. Being able to see all of the amazing inclusions that you can expect from your DreamStart home is just one reason to visit our display homes, but there are many more benefits.
The ability to walk through and imagine yourself living in the home is the best way to help you decide what you do and don’t want, everybody has different priorities and needs when it comes to choosing a house design.
The home you pick needs to be functional as well as aesthetically pleasing for you and your family, and having a wide choice of designs ensures that there is something to fit every lifestyle. It is worth spending a few weekends exploring our display homes so you can really get a good feel for the size of the rooms, and how the overall layout will work for your family.
Our display homes are staffed by members of our friendly team, so it is also a great opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. You can visit us in land estates all around Perth, whether you are looking at living North or South. The multiple locations available mean that you will not have to travel too far to explore any of our display homes.
Why Should You Choose Us To Build Your New Home?
What you see is what you get, we do not “overspec” our display homes.
We are honest and transparent with all our display homes, and while it may look flashy to put tens and thousands of dollars worth of extras into a display home to make them look impressive, you aren’t getting a true insight into how your finished home will look.
Obviously this is misleading, and can mean that you will end up extremely disappointed with the end product.
You don’t want to make the mistake of choosing a home from a builder that seems to have everything that you want, only to find out that they will come at an extra cost to you.
DreamStart homes offers fantastic inclusions like Stone Benchtops (0% silica) and flick mixer taps, just to name a few. If it is in our display homes, then it will be included in your brand new home.
We use only the very best materials in every home we build, and pride ourselves on our attention to detail and quality.
Our Perth display homes are a great representation of how we build our clients’ homes, so you can be sure of exactly what you are getting.
When Are our display homes open?
All of our display homes (unless indicated on their individual pages) are open the following hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 2pm – 5pm
Saturday and Sunday: 12pm-5pm
Public Holidays: 12pm – 5pm
For more information, or to book a private viewing outside of these hours, please contact us on 08 6269 5025
What can I expect during a Display Home visit?
During your visit, our knowledgeable sales team will guide you through the various features, designs, and customization options of the home. It’s an opportunity to envision yourself in the space and ask any questions you may have.