The First Line of Defence
Anyone who has been through the trauma of having their home burgled, knows that it is very hard to feel safe again after experiencing such a violation. But there are several things you can do as a first line of defence to protect your home, your family and your possessions.
We get it, though. It is about much more than the loss of material possessions, it is the loss of your peace of mind. Being a first home buyer, there is already so much to think about when you move into your new place so the following tips will help you make your home as secure as it possibly can be.
These Are Our Best Tips For The First Line Of Defence To Protect Your Home;
Tip 1 – Try to look at your property from a burglar’s perspective. Stand out the front and assess where your home may be vulnerable. Walk around the outside and inside of your home, checking doors and windows for any concerns.
Tip 2 – Whilst walking your property, look for any bushes or trees that may provide cover for a would be intruder. Windows and doors that are obscured from view are more appealing targets for offenders.
Tip 3 – Invest is a good security system. There has been massive improvement in security systems and CCTV over the last few years, with most now offering much clearer images. It is easier to capture details such as the offenders face, clothing colour, licence plate and car model. There is no doubt that the chances of being burgled are greatly reduced with a security camera, and being able to access the camera footage from your phone or computer, makes them a convenient option.
Tip 4 – Locks are an integral part of your line of defence when it comes to home security. Ensure your doors are all fitted with deadlocks and windows should be lockable with a key. To ensure your sliding doors can’t be forced open, insert a metal/wood bar in the bottom track.
Tip 5 – A lockable security grille on the front door is recommended. There are also devices available that can capture and store an image of who ever pushes the doorbell, giving you the chance to decide if you want to open the door or not.
Tip 6 – Remember that gardening you did on the weekend? The tools you neglected to put away could make the perfect house breaking implements. Ensure ladders and tools are locked in the shed or garage when not in use.
Tip 7 – Get to know your neighbours. They are an extra pair of eyes that can look out for suspicious activity around your property. Also ask them to take in mail and put out bins when you are away on holidays.
Tip 8 – Keep your house keys secure. Putting a spare key under the front door mat or in the letterbox is not safe. Consider leaving your spare with a family member or friend who lives nearby, or a trusted neighbour.
Tip 9 – Leave a radio or television on, it is enough to make an intruder second guess whether anyone is home. Also include a timer switch inside to turn on room lights intermittently, giving the impression that somebody is home. Motion-sensitive lights at the front door and lining the driveway are another great preventative measure.
Tip 10 – Change up your routine occasionally. Many burglars and home intruders watch houses for a number of days prior to a break in so they can determine when the homeowners are typically out. Making small changes every few days is enough to raise doubt for an offender as to when the home will be empty.
To find our more tips on the best line of defence for your home, or to discuss any of your first home buying questions, get in touch with our friendly team, today!
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